【同义词辨析】 2018-07-17 难闻malodorous-musty

malodorous: may range from the unpleasant to the strongly offensive: ~ unidentified substances in the refrigerator.

stinking: suggests the foul or disgusting: prisoners were held in ~ cells. (foul: 恶臭肮脏~ language话)

fetid: implies an odor which is peculiarly offensive: skunk cabbage is a ~ weed.

noisome: adds a suggestion of being harmful or unwholesome as well as offensive: a ~ toxic waste dump.

putrid: implies particularly the sickening odor of decaying organic matter: the typically ~ smell of a fish pier.

rancid: suggests foulness of both taste and smell, usually of fatty substances that have spoiled: the unmistakable stink of ~ butter. (spoildecay同义表示腐坏但多指食物)

rank: suggests a strong, unpleasant, but not necessarily foul smell: rooms filled with the ~ smoke of cigars.

fusty: suggests lack of fresh air and sunlight and implies prolonged uncleanness: the ~ rooms of a bus station.

musty: implies staleness markedby dampness, darkness, and moldiness: the ~ odor of a damp cellar.

malodorous难闻: 应用范围广,从不好闻到强烈难闻(strongly offensive冒犯),stinking恶臭: 恶臭恶心,fetid独特难闻: 指独特特有(peculiar独特特有)难闻味道,noisome难闻有害: 除表示难闻还表示有害健康,putrid腐臭: 腐坏有机物的让人厌恶气味(sicken近似disgusting),rancid也是腐臭: 通常指腐坏脂类,可以是嗅觉或味觉,rank难闻: 强烈难闻但未必恶臭(如烟草味),fusty暗臭: 形容缺少阳光新鲜空气不卫生的味道,musty霉臭: 进一步指明潮湿黑暗发霉的不新鲜味道,程度加强。

记忆方法: 1)首字母MSFNPRRFM重组成2FRM和PSN,FRM想成FRoM来自PSN想成PoiSoN毒药来自毒药==>难闻

          2)难闻的意思是气味不好闻mean having a bad or unpleasant smell.